
Sep 04, 2024 Our paper “Sparsh: Self-supervised touch representations for vision-based tactile sensing” was accepted at CoRL 2024!
Jul 14, 2023 “Neural Radiance Fields with LiDAR Maps” accepted at ICCV 2023
Apr 27, 2023 I will join as a Visiting Researcher at Meta (Facebook) FAIR from Fall ‘23.
Nov 09, 2022 I gave a guest lecture on Dense representations for SLAM for 16833 - Robot Localization and Mapping @ CMU
Dec 13, 2021 Checkout this collection of awesome object SLAM papers and resources:
Dec 13, 2021 I will be interning this summer of ‘22 @ Meta (Facebook) Reality Labs.
Dec 13, 2021 Tarasha and I won two DSLRs (Nikon D3500) for our Computational Photography Course Project Presentation. (Course Page)
Nov 01, 2021 Reviewing for ICRA 2022
Aug 01, 2021 Starting Ph.D. in Robotics at CMU
May 13, 2021 Interning @ Fyusion over the summer of 2021!
May 01, 2021 Graduated MS in Robotics (thesis)
Feb 01, 2021 “Compositional and Scalable Object SLAM” accepted at ICRA 2021
Dec 01, 2020 Reviewing for ICRA 2021